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Getting started

Executables (Windows)

Latest Windows executables can be downloaded here

Unpack the folder and launch the .exe files for the different tools stereoproj, diffraction, kikuchi,misorientation,interface and crystal.

From Python (Windows, macOS, Linux)

Pycotem is a collection of Python scripts and thus can be ran directly from the source code. Python may already be installed on your OS (type python on your command prompt/terminal). If not, please refer to the python website for installing and downloading. Popular distributions as Anaconda can be an option. Pycotem is part of the python package index (PyPi) and thus can be installed using the package installer for Python (pip), which should be installed with the Python distribution.


Consider that it is often recommended to install packages in a virtual environnement to avoid breaking dependancies for other scripts. Please refer to the specific documentation, for instance regarding the virtualenv package. The following procedure can be applied to install a virtual environnement in a pycotem folder (cross-platform):

pip install virtualenv 
pip3 install virtualenv

virtualenv path_to_your_folder/pycotem
cd path_to_your_folder/pycotem
source bin/activate
then pycotem can be installed and ran (see below) deactivate to logout from your environnement. Delete the pycotem folder to uninstall it.


Pycotem relies on Python 3 using numpy, pillow and matplotlib. GUI relies on pyqt5.

Configurations successfully tested

python = 3.9.5, numpy = 1.21.4, matplotlib = 3.5.0, pillow = 7.0.0, pyqt = 5.14.1

python = 3.10.2, numpy = 1.25.2, matplotlib = 3.7.2, pillow = 10.0.0, pyqt = 5.19.9

Installing and running

  • pycotem and dependancies can be installed using the pip commands:
pip install pycotem
pip install matplotlib
pip install pyqt5

Run the packages with

python -m pycotem.xxxx
where xxxx is one of the tool stereoproj, diffraction, kikuchi,misorientation,interface and crystal.


  • Use pip install --upgrade pycotem


Image files and setting parameters for testing diffraction, interface and kikuchi can be found here